Valley View Elementary School
3416 Maywood Dr.
Richmond, CA 94803
Main Office: (510) 231-1455

Christopher Estrada, LLS Site Director
(510) 621-3664
Valley View Elementary School
Enrollment open now!
Participation & Pricing Options 2024-2025
In partnership with Love. Learn. Success., a Non-Profit Organization
Join us for a dynamic and inclusive program that provides community building & social-emotional learning through culturally diverse performing arts, visual arts, movement, music, play, while providing a supportive academic workspace. WCCUSD-sponsored snack provided daily.
Kinder through 6th Grade Extended-Care Options & Pricing
After-Care “Option A” FULL-TIME STATUS: $1200/year ● 4-5 SET days per week ● $120 per month – OR – $300 Paid Quarterly |
After-Care “Option B” PART-TIME STATUS: $720/year ● 2-3 SET days per week ● $72 per month – OR – $180 paid Quarterly |
Space priority will be given to students who register for Full-Time & maintain it for the entirety of the school year.
- All students regardless of current program participation status must complete a new application with fees paid.
- All online registration applications must be completed to be considered for enrollment. If a grade cluster has reached its capacity, any student past the maximum capacity will automatically be placed on a waitlist.
- Payments can be made in three ways: 1 lump sum, 4-Quarterly installments (August 1st, October 1st, January 1st, April 1st) OR in 10-Monthly installments on the 1st of each month beginning August 1st and ending May 1st.
- Expanded Learning hours are from the release of the school day until 6:00 pm. Daily.
- Our intent is to serve all students who would like to attend, but in the event that there is more demand than space/staff availability, we will utilize the District’s required equity prioritization process based on student need for admission to the program.
- No REFUNDS once a payment has been made.
- Terms and conditions aforementioned and heretofore are subject to change due to the most updated COVID-19 related guidance and mandates as set forth by local governing bodies. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Registration site:
FEE SCHOLARSHIPS: We may able to offer a limited number of fee scholarships for families who are unable to pay for program fees. A student must meet at least one of the following criteria listed in order of priority to be considered eligible: 1.) Enrolled as a “Newcomer [Immigrant] Student” in WCCUSD 2.) Currently receiving Free/Reduced Lunch 3.) Homelessness. Be advised: There are participation requirements that must be maintained for the entire school year if a scholarship is received. No students will be turned away due to an inability to pay. If your student meets one of the above criteria and you would like to be considered, please email Alexis Bill, at